What do you know ?

Written the 18th September 2019

There are 2 things :

  1. Things you know
  2. Things you don’t know

In the things you don’t know there are :

  1. What you know you don’t know
  2. What you don’t know you don’t know
  3. What you think you know but you actually don’t know

Most important is to know that all humanity across the time only discovered less than 0,000000000000001% of everything that could be known and as an individual we know even less than that.

Once you know that you are like Jon Snow you can be “humble” with your knowledge and begin to really learn. We are all ignorant students. Some children know more than us about things we even don’t know they exist.

What we think we know is the most dangerous thing for all of us: what we don’t know can be learnt but relearn something we think we know : that is hard. It would ask yus to put aside our ego : that is hard.

The difference between what you think you know and what you really know is also really hard to distinguish, it asks us a lot of lucidity to draw the line between these things and to see thing as they really are.

I have realized so many timme in my life that I though something was what it was not. Descartes let us realized that among all the think that we can doubt there is one think we are all aware : We are thinking therefore we are something. All the other things are hard to tell.

Even the simpliest arithmetics can not be trusted. The Peano axioms tell us 1+1=2 but in real life it’s an other story things are all intricated, things can duplicate themselves, things can vanish, things can remain the same…

People think they know other people but do not know themselves. We are never changing creatures. People faces are multiple and they only show the ones they show. I am not even sure to be the one who is changing the faces. I think that we are something else and rather than an answer that is a never ending enigma. The most wonderful fact is that we are, at least, something. I’ll shift subject completely without real link. Reader, be ready.

Our emotion are like waves. You can decide to take it or not. Like the surfer you can not control your emotions. When you think you control it’s a lie, you control the surfboard. Waves will always be here you can decide to take the surfboard and ride it, go on the beach and watch it, go underwater and be wobbled in every directions, try to fight and resist them… I think that you get it. You are not your emotions, you are the one that decide to do something or not about it.

I think that I am pretty good to make people feel waves. Without knowing exactly why and what I do I can trigger joy; anger ; pain; sadness. I don’t think that I am the only one but that is a big responsibility to get that power. But I still think that at the end of the story the responsibility to do something with the waves comes to the people feeling it. We do not trigger people on purpose, most of the time… I think that we learn something through emotions. We learn to ride it and the way we like to ride it.

Author : Ange Crespo

Details about the author :


Ange Crespo
La French Touch

M : (+33) 0766702406
E : ange.crespo@hotmail.fr
Entreprise :
#Polyfaces 5, Allée de la Source Thermale,
11260 Campagne-sur-Aude
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